While it's been reported to be about a week behind here in western Michigan, the trees are just about ready to starting putting on their annual show--a sure sign that the season of fall is here.
Fall is a season for the senses: the sense of sight is captivated by the bright reds, yellows, oranges amidst the shades of green; the sense of touch delighted in the crunch of foliage underfoot; the sense of smell keen to the crisp air, wet grass and leaves, and even the scent of hay bales and corn stalks; the sense of taste is awakened when one bites into a crisp, fresh apple or tries one of the seemingly-endless creations that has pumpkin as a main ingredient; finally, there's the sense of touch--the texture of a sweater on the skin to keep one warm during those chilly evenings or nippy mornings.
When we open ourselves to experiencing what the season of fall offers, we're not disappointed. Whether we notice it or not or whether our senses might delight in it or not, change is coming. Even nature has it's way to indicate change.
Similarly, relationships are dynamic and they change. They have their own "seasons." A relationship just beginning has a certain "feel" to it than a relationship of 50+ years. There's the change that takes place when a couple become parents. There's a change that takes place when two parents become "empty-nesters."
Even relationship difficulties can indicate a need for change: seasons of emotional distance/lack of intimacy, unresolved conflict, and misunderstandings--whether one notices or not or one is happy about it or not--this season of the relationship does not have to last indefinitely.
Take a look at your relationship in it's current season.
- What do you notice?
- What seems to be changing?
- What signs, if any, might be there that you and your partner need to pay attention to?
- What are you going to do about it today?